
5 steps to avoid frequent burnouts for productivity

Starting an online business may be satisfying and fulfilling, but you can’t deny that it takes a toll on your body. When you are in the driver’s seat and in charge of everything, work-related stress will eventually get to you. You can tackle the burnouts by following...

5 tips to setup a perfect home office that you will love

When you’re a home based LEADs Consultant, you get to have plenty of perks that a typical office worker doesn’t get. These include easier access to delicious home-cooked meals, no commute, more time with your family, and of course, the chance to decorate your home...

Tips for Success with your LEADs Consultant

Set clear goals from the start: Your LEADs Consultant should know exactly what you want to be accomplished, the time frame, and the programs or processes you prefer for completing it. Make sure they have access to everything they’ll need, and clear instructions they...